
Start your own blog with Hostgator

We are at a doorstep to say goodbye to 2018 and Welcome 2019. There is no reason you cannot start your own blog. Blogging has really changed the life of people and it is now one of the best ways to make money online.

If you haven’t started your own blog then this post might help you to start your own blog. Web Hosting is a fundamental building block of a successful Blog. You have to choose a good and reliable web hosting provider that provides you best-hosting space with excellent network up-time.

When We talked about the best web hosting provider, The very first name that comes in our mind is Hostgator. It is one of the oldest players in the web hosting world and have 1000000 domains hosted with them.  I do have some of the websites and blogs are hosted with them.

Features and Benefits

Hostgator is no doubt the #1 Web hosting provider and people love them because of their quality web hosting.  For starting a WordPress Blog I highly recommend you to go with their WordPress Hosting Plans.

Hostgator Managed WordPress Hosting

There WordPress hosting comes with cloud servers that make your blog 2x faster and gives you excellent network up-time.

Their started WordPress hosting plan comes with :

  • 1 Site
  • 100k Visits Per Month
  • 1GB Backups
  • Free SSL Certificate

This is a good hosting plan to get started your own blog and it is very affordable. It costs you $5.95 per month which relatively very affordable compared to its rival. However, If you are an existing blogger and have established blog then you may go with their higher plans. Their WordPress hosting plan works far better than their shared hosting.

They also a dedicated customer support team especially for their WordPress users who can solve all of your WordPress related problems and queries in a timely manner.

Similarly, if you are an existing WordPress user then Hostgator provides you free hassle free website transfer service. Which means you can transfer your website without any issue.

How to start your Blog with Hostgator


  • After Payment, You will soon get your order details along with your hosting account login details. If you are an existing blogger then use their website transfer services. Whilst if you are a new blogger and just want to start your brand new blog then continue with the steps.

processing your order

  • Login to your hosting control panel. Click the softaculous and select WordPress. Fill out your database name and other necessary details. Click submit and the tool will install the WordPress. Now login to your WordPress admin panel and setup up the things. You are now ready to add content and pages to your blog.


Pro tip: I always suggest and prefer a manual WordPress installation. If you are unable to do the manual installation, You can contact us and we will help you.


Blogging is definitely an incredible way to earn living online. If you are thinking of starting your own blog or want to make your existing blog to the next level then this post might help you a lot. Let me know about your experiences. If you have any questions, you can ask them in a comment below.

Comments (1)

  • I think Hostgator is one of the best hosting provider when it comes to performance.
    I have recently switched to a different hosting and so far it is working very nicely


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