
How to Increase the Domain Authority of a Blog

If you are a blogger and a webmaster then you probably heard about Domain Authority. Newbie Bloggers are very much concerned about increasing their domain authority. There are various factors that determine your website Domain Authority. Here in this post, I am going to show you how to increase the domain authority of a  blog.

What is Domain Authority (DA)?

Domain Authority is a third party metric which is maintained by MOZ. The Domain authority of a blog solely depends on the link profile of a website. Since it is a third party metrics then it won’t reflect your search engine rankings or the other SEO factors.

However, It is considered as one of the metrics which shows how a website or blog performs in a search engine. A domain authority is counted from 1 to 100. A website that has 20+ DA is considering to perform well in search engines. However, I have seen that a blog with less than 10 DA ranks well in Google and other search engines.

How to Increase the Domain Authority?

There are many factors which help you to improve your Domain Authority. Let’s check them out:

Quality Content

Quality content is very important to increase your website’s Domain Authority. Quality content helps you to drive a good amount of visitors and increase the conversions. Users and even search engines like the quality content.

Regularly update your blog

I have personally seen that the blog that updates their blog regularly have good DA compared to others who did not update their blog. As a blogger, you have ensured that you update your blog regularly with quality and helpful content. You naturally see the improvements in your DA.

Create Quality backlinks

DA solely depends on your backlink profile. The more links you have the good is your Domain Authority. Try to create natural and quality backlinks. I prefer to create one quality backlink from a high authority website rather than creating 100’s of spam and low-quality backlinks.

Guest Posting

Guest Posting is one of the best and effective ways to create quality backlinks from high authority websites. Just contact the blog owners and politely ask them that you are interested in submitting a guest post on their blog. You can also share blog post ideas with them. Don’t send the post directly to them. First, create a strong bond with them by sharing their content and featured them on your blog. This way you will grab their attention and they will definitely welcome you on their blog.

Blog commenting

Blog commenting is not considered the as good option for SEO, but it is a great way to connect with fellow bloggers and spread your thoughts online. Drop a genuine and authentic comment that added some value to the content. This is really a good practice to build a good networking and readership.

Since all the blog comments links are nofollow that does not mean that Google or any other search engines won’t count it. It is still countable and indexed but it won’t pass the link juice.

Social Networking sites

You simply can’t ignore the power of Social Media sites in today’s digital and competitive online world. Today big companies are pumping huge money for their social media campaigns to build a good audience and user base. Social media sites are very helpful to build your brand and increase your social media presence that helps you to connect with your readers.

Make a habit of sharing your new and old blog posts on regular basis. It helps you to get visitors and backlinks as well.

Also Read: How to Increase Alexa Ranking

Web directories

You might think that directories are just a waste of time these days. But it is not true. Directories still play a great role in building a good backlink score. I am not saying that all directories are working fine. However, Some of the Paid and high PR directories are good option to list your blog there. Free directories are full of junk and spam links.

Page loading speed

The loading speed of your blog is very important to rank better in search engines. People and even search engines love the site that has good loading speed. Users will leave your website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. So, always keep your blog loading speed under 3 seconds. You can use third-party tools like Gtmetrix, Pingdom, Google page speed insights to check the loading speed of your blog.

75% of the blog is slow due to poor web hosting services. Consider using a reliable and fast web hosting. This will keep your website fast and always online.

Over to you

Domain Authority is definitely important for a website. Because most of the advertisers and PR companies looking for high DA websites for their advertisement purpose. If you have a low DA website, don’t you can grow it. Keep in mind that your DA won’t grow overnight. Just follow the steps above and start working on it. Your DA will grow eventually. I hope you have found this post helpful. If you like the post, just share it with your friends.

Comments (1)

  • This is really awesome Thanks a lot. I’m definitely going to try this out. I’ll restructure my content and make it easy to read too. I’ll keep you posted on the results.


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