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Android Go Apps & Regular Apps: What Are The Major Differences?

Every time a new version of the Android rolls out, it is always a party time for the smartphone users. But this time Google has come up with a different idea of Android Go. This idea was put forth with an intention to take its applications even to the people who cannot afford to buy costly smartphones. Hence, Android Go is the narrowed version of the Android. The new version of the Android is built without making any compromises on the major features of the applications.

Android Go Apps & Regular Apps

Today, the Android app development company is growing in large number to provide a different kind of services to the people. Money must never be a barrier that prevents some people from utilizing the benefits involved in the phones. Android Go is a boon to such mobile phones with least features and compatibility. With the thinned version of the Android, there are also certain changes that take place in the apps developed for Android Go. So, what is the difference between Android Go apps and regular apps, let’s find out more.

Difference in Apps

The Android Go apps will possess all the important functionalities in the particular app but some designs and optimization have to be compromised. It is almost the replica of the one in the regular Android but it is prepared lightly to suit the smaller memory in the device. Performance wise both the application types behave similarly, but the Android Go apps will consume almost 50% lesser memory. The Android Go comes with all the necessary apps pre-installed and the speed is about 15% faster in the navigation.

Google and Google Go

Google Go is much simpler and lighter when compared to Google. On comparing the size of the two apps, the normal Google App covers about 166 MB whereas the slimmed down version occupies only 12 MB, which is really a huge margin.

The good news is the tiny version comprises almost all the features as the voice search, Google translates, GIF and Google Maps. The only difference is that it lacks the Google feed feature which is available in the normal one.

Gmail and Gmail Go

Yes, the people with low priced smartphones can also now enjoy using Gmail. They will also be able to access the emails anytime from anywhere. The file size of the Gmail Go is 24.8 MB on looking after the consumption of the RAM it takes around 77 MB. The size of the normal Gmail is an astonishing 260 MB. The interfaces and the swipe features of the Gmail Go are also more or less similar to the normal Gmail app.

Google Map and Google Map Go

Well, this fact is something that creates goosebumps. Yes, the size of the Google map Go is only 0.009 MB. Could you believe that? That’s something more fascinating right? Yes, I can understand. Now you must be waiting to know the measurement of the normal Google Map. It is 48 MB. The complete APK size is mentioned here, which is quite a very small scale in Android Go.

But the major drawback that we face in the Google map Go is that it lacks the real-time navigation facility. Yes, that sounds so bad. Despite, there is another option that the users of Android Go can download the ‘Navigation for the Google Go’ in order to enjoy that particular feature. This consumes 3.5 MB in comparison to the 183 MB of the normal app.

Google Assistant and Google Assistant Go

There is a disappointment for the low priced smartphone users when it comes for Google assistant since it is a newly introduced application and needs more time to prepare. But the performance is still not much bad although it lacks certain beneficial features. The file size is around 800 KB, which is 17.47 MB upon the installation in the normal Android version.

Certain customization features and the reminders, Action to be performed on Google and devices are missing in the Android go version.  Other than that the functionalities of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) is almost the same.

Youtube and Youtube Go

How can we miss the most visited video-sharing app? There is a miniature version of the Youtube in Android Go. Since this is the major entertainment app, the app is ready to use with few compromises on the features. Also, it lacks the ability to subscribe to some of the channels with a size of 29 MB to 122 MB.

Although there are certain compromises to be made over the features in Android Go, availability of applications irrespective of the smartphone price and type is still something to be celebrated.

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