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Top-Notch Trends That Leads Android Apps Development In 2019!

Smartphones usage have become an integral part of our day-to-day lives. Each and every business resembles to continue going mobile in an attempt to achieve a competitive advantage. A mobile app is an excellent opportunity for a business to intensify customer interaction with their existing products.

A few years back, Android split into the IT world and began a revolution. However, it still proceeds to push reform as developers are continually striving to influence even the most sophisticated users. This is the reason why, in the era of mobile apps, it’s essential to stay up-to-date with the modern and latest trends in Android development.

In order to keep up with the latest Android Apps, here we are bestowing some of our thoughts on the future of Android app development.

Let’s delve in Android Development Advanced Trends-

Follow the best methods-

Recently, Google has published architecture standards on how to develop robust and supportable Android apps. Architecture Elements – a collection of Android libraries to improve the structure of your app – produces the magic back to Android development. You can write apps by less boilerplate code and also deal with problems that include lifecycles and resolution. Thus, this results in a more streamlined developer society.

Immediate experience

As you know many of us have lots of unnecessary apps on our mobile phones. With the help of Google Play Instant, you are able to try a specific app without installing it in your device. Android instant apps are saved and operated straight from the cloud, therefore, they don’t occupy extra space on your device.

Among IoT devices growing in demand, on-demand apps will be increasingly applied and the bulk of applications will be implemented with IoT compatibility.

Cross-platform development is on the growth

Google knows how to make you “Flutter!” And what makes us so sure? If you are thinking to start a new project applying the cross-platform development tool, then check out the Flutter mobile app SDK.

Flutter was revealed at Mobile World Congress in the year 2017 and is presently very much in trending. This framework is one and only mobile SDK producing reactive ways which do not needs a JavaScript bridge.

Another encouraging solution is Kotlin/Native, a technology for assembling Kotlin to native binaries. It enables you to develop native apps with the help and guidance of native libraries and instruments. All of the native platforms’ abilities are accessible through Kotlin/Native.

However, Kotlin/Native is under development, and engineers are admiring it. It’s intended to become very successful in the coming future.

Smart Assistants

The demand for digital or smart assistants has given rise to an innovative range of apps. It began with 2 thoughts called “Actions” and “Slices” that were launched at Google I/O. These are extensive links to different apps that appear at different places on Android based on your usage.

For example, when you open up Google Assistant and begin typing with “work” it will provide you with the option to order an Uber to take you to work.

We can expect that developers will increasingly add assistant alliances to modern apps as per users demand more alternatives and efficiencies.

In-app search

Active app research is necessary for assisting users to get exactly what they need. Thus, an in-app search will enhance more than mobile users expectation. YouTube and Spotify have already blended this feature to make their UX more appealing. The trend will stay so as more businesses seek to maximize the value of their apps.

Making progressing technologies work

All thanks to Google’s AI-focused plan, people are getting more familiar with AI- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning nowadays for mobile app development. Furthermore, with the generation of VR and AR(virtual & augmented reality), apps are exceeding the screen more and more frequently.

However, have you thought, what if we connect these emerging technologies?

The chances of AR/VR integration with AI are of great concern to all tech experts.

Google I/O approached this problem by presenting advances in immersive technologies, involving its VPS- Visual Positioning Service. It is the latest AR  technology recognising and triangulating visible features in users’ surroundings.

To conclude-

The Android application development scenery has plenty to offer in the future coming years. Thus, here at TechTIQ solutions, we linger up-to-date with all the Advanced and the latest technological inventions. We are always endeavouring to discover, explore and implement a modern technological path in order to add value to your product.

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