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Very Common CRM Data Problems and How to Solve Them

A customer relationship management system provides a greater way to communicate with your customers along with targeting sales and marketing activities and their interests. A CRM software solution enhances productivity and acts as the key motivator for customer facing organizations. It can be evaluated that almost three out of four consumers spend their money more on a business because of a positive and satisfying customer experience. From conversations with clients, interactions, and communications various customer data appears. However, these data can create a lot of problem and impact on your overall business. Here we present the problems along with the solutions:

Problem 1:

Outdated Records

When you are sending your company newsletter to the email addresses in your CRM software but you have large number of hard bounces. These are old records found in your system and you spot that organizations you know have been sold, changed their names, or is out of business.

Solution: CRM database may turn stale and outdated if they are not used regularly. The solution for this problem is confirming information while you are always in direct contact with clients. For instance, if your call center team receives a call from one of your customers, then ask your client to confirm their contact information, address, and email addresses quickly. You may also find services available for cleaning databases. Those services match the records from database to a reputable data source and track all notifications in order to forward mail as the clients have shifted to a new location.

Problem 2:

Customer Records Are Missing Important Information

You open the data file and suddenly notice that some key information about a client is missing from the file and even the records are incomplete. You are unable to reach your customers because of the inappropriate email address or contact information.

Solution:  Ask and check with your sales and marketing department along with customer service team and ensure that they are asking for all the relevant data when in contact with the customers. Also, integrate other systems with your CRM system in order to bring all purchasing information, invoices, and orders into the system for completing each and every customer profile. Ensure that you’re CRM systems is set up properly and correctly to capture all the available information.

Problem 3:

Lack of New Prospects

Your sales may remain stagnant as you are reaching out for the same client base and have no new prospects entering.

Solution: An effective CRM system is a great tool for contacting your customers and always keeping in touch with them. For this, you need to ramp up your marketing and sales efforts for achieving new customers or prospect in your sales pipeline.

Problem 4:

Costly, Complex, and Time-consuming Set Up

Traditional CRM systems come in different shapes and varieties and might not be integrated with the same ease every time. They may need to renovate the internal processes thus, leaving your business offline for the time being during the transition.

Solution: Thinking of a solution? Well, choose a cloud-based CRM system that can be accessed from anywhere and is available all the time wherever you have an internet connection.

Problem 5:

Inaccurate Data

It is seen often that CRM and their stored data become outdated. If the data that is going into the system is not accurate then it is very common that the insights business development team pulls out from the data will also be inaccurate.

Solution: In order to prevent such things, it is important to automate process, clean data, and also shore up the records. Thus, by doing so it creates a stronger adoption and increased usage from the sales representatives. With CRM data automation tools, it is easier to eliminate monotonous data entry work and improve the accuracy in client information. This will help the team to build a better customer relationship and also increase their trust on the product.

Problem 6:

Mobile Marketing, Social Media, and CRM

Undoubtedly, we are in a mobile marketing driven age now and it is a shock to find out that the CRM software you have invested on cannot handle the key component of marketing strategy. Also, your customers expect to connect you with the help of social media and to find an active presence.

Solution: Before purchasing an effective CRM system, it is important to check the mobile functionality of the CRM system as it is one of the most prominent features right now. Selecting a good CRM system helps optimizing social efforts on a priority basis. CRM platforms support social media beside the traditional channels and it makes it easier for customers to interact with business through their preferred channels. This will provide a better customer service and you can gain better marketing insight from customer social media data.

To Sum Up

Is your organization having a low CRM adoption? Don’t give up. Integrating a good CRM system helps you to manage your customer data which is the foremost thing to build trust between you and your customers. Take some time out and ensure that your CRM database is updated properly and ready for doing business.

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