
How to become a Successful Blogger

Blogging is now one of the best ways to earn living online. Blogging has to gain momentum in recent years as people are motivated to become a successful blogger. Creating a Blog is very easy and does not need any technical Knowledge. Thanks to WordPress.

How to become a successful Blogger

However, 8 out of 10 new blogs have vanished in the dark side of the web. To become a successful blogger you need a lot of patience and hard work along with sincerity. In this article, I am going to show you how to become a successful blogger?

Before we jump into the points that help you to become a successful blogger, you can buy an exclusive ebook from World Traveler and full-time blogger Ryan Biddulph. He is an awesome blogger and has great experience in blogging. I highly recommend you to buy his eBook.  Now let’s get started with the points.

Choosing a Right Niche

When we talking about blogging, we often talked about a niche. A Niche is a particular topic of your blog where you share detailed and informative posts that help your readers.  In simple words, A niche is something which you are passionate about and have great knowledge and expertise.

For instance, If you have good knowledge of health-related stuff then you can write or start a blog on a health-related topic that benefits your readers. Choosing the right niche to help you to build your authority online and also help to get quality readers for your blog.

I have seen that many bloggers choose a niche for the sake of making huge money. But in reality, if you unable to produce quality content then you won’t able to make a single penny from your blog. So, always choose a niche accurately and persistently work on creating more engaging and helpful content.


Patience is very important in blogging. Blogging is not a get rich quick scheme. Blogging needs time and patience. You have to patient and work consistently to produce quality content and nurture your blog.

I have seen that many newbie bloggers give up after 3 or 6 months after starting their blog. You won’t make money within a few months of your blog. You have to first gain the trust of your blog readers and build your authority online.  Donna Merill is a great example of a successful blogger. She is a good blogging coach an mentor.  She knows how exactly to build trust and authority as a blogger.

Quality Content

Content is king and it is still one of the major factors behind a successful blog. You cannot establish yourself as a successful blogger if your blog does not have quality and engaging content. Understand what your readers want from you. Creating quality content that resonates with your readers help to build trust and good relationship with your readers. I highly recommend blogger to write detailed and long content.  Anil Agarwal is a great example of writing detailed blog posts. He knows exactly how to craft a good blog post.

Social Media Sites

Being a Blogger, you cannot ignore the advantage of social media sites. Social Media is a great place to promote your blog posts and connect with your readers. Lisa Sicard is a great example of how to leverage social media sites to bring huge traffic and conversions to your blog.

Today Social Media sites is a big marketplace for companies. It is also a great place to build your brand and social presence online. Keep a habit of sharing your new and old blog posts at a regular interval in social media sites.

Blogger Outreach

We, humans, are social Animal and that’s why we all need a help of each other. Connect with other bloggers and definitely help you to grow your blog. Just connect with them. Share their blog posts and featured them in your blog. This will help you to build a strong and long-lasting relationship with other bloggers.

I have also implemented these strategies and this helped me to find some awesome blogging friends. Most of the newbie bloggers are too shy to connect with other bloggers. So, come out with this and build fiends online. However, There are certain things to keep in mind while making blogging friends. Some of them are:

  • Do not send an annoying message to them.
  • Do not flood them with spam messages.
  • Do not connect with them for the sake of creating backlinks.

Keeping these things in mind can help you to build a successful and strong bond with other bloggers.

Wrong Monetizing methods

Using the Wrong monetization can impact your blog earning potential. I have seen many newbie bloggers to plaster their sites with too many ads. This negatively impacts your blog user enagement and it is also very annoying to the readers. Always use less ad compare to the text in your blog. Also keep your content first and then add ads seamlessly with the content.

Affiliate marketing is one of the best and successful ways to monetize your blog. You can also use Google AdSense to monetize your blog. Avoid adding too many and spam banner ads to your blog.

Over to you

Blogging is all about patience, persistence and constant hard work. These are some of the steps that help you to become a successful blogger. By implementing these steps can lead to building a successful blog.   I also recommend you to connect with these people which I have mentioned in this post. If you like the post, please share it with your friends.

Comments (12)

  • Choosing the right niche, create link worthy content, boost social media presence and blogger outreach are the important things to do in blogging. Affiliate marketing is still best as it delivers the result to the advertiser.

  • Hi Vishwajeet,

    I want to firstly thank you for the kind words you have written about me.

    Indeed, patience is something one needs when they start blogging. It is something we have to implement in our lives weather we are creating an online business or one offline.

    It takes a while for us to connect to other bloggers and that is one of the key ways to boost your blog.

    Our niche has to be something we enjoy so we can have the stamina to keep on writing with joy.


  • Vishwajeet thanks so much for the eBook shoutout 🙂 You make super points and reference super bloggers all around. I love these tips. Be patiently generous and you will become a successful blogger.

  • Hi Vishwajeet, thank you so much for the shout out here 🙂
    Yes – patience is key in blogging. Too many bloggers I have known over the years quit and never returned. If they only hung on a little longer they would have found success. It takes TIME and EFFORT.
    It definately is hard work and I’m glad you mentioned that. Too many posts talk about making money overnight with blogging and that just is not the case!

  • Hi Vish,
    Glad to be here today, Glad to see our longtime friends in the list.
    Yes, they are all indeed successful bloggers in the blogging arena. I have been to these dear one’s pages often to read informative and quality contents. May their tribe increase.
    Good Wishes to all my dear fellow bloggers.
    Keep your wonderful journey.

  • Hey Vishwajeet,
    Blogging is not easy and you have to keep pushing and keep hustling. Coming up with the new and innovative content every day, keeping yourself motivated, doing the different things, pushing your limits, and repeating all of this.
    One should definitely have Patience

  • Hi,
    Great stuff buddy.
    Great post, I have read this post here I got very useful information. This is a very useful article for online review readers. Keep it up such a nice posting like this. I started a Blog and Hopefully, it will be successful like you.

    Thanks for the share.


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