
Best Ways to Skyrocket Blogging business in 2019

Grow Your Blog! You will hear this term every day in the blogging business. When it comes to growing your blog, you have to improve the overall performance such as traffic, email subscribers, social shares, conversions, and revenue.

Every year a professional blogger adopt new things and get rid of outdated tactics of blogging.

This year you will have to focus on more in-depth strategies to skyrocket your blogging business.

Today, I will be helping you by disclosing what you should do and what you should stop doing in 2019.

Follow these points to skyrocket your blogging business in real time.

1)    Content Scoring:

Content scoring is not a new concept yet most of the bloggers are not aware of this. Content scoring is about scoring your content to measure it’s the performance regarding organic traffic, engagement, and conversion.

In Content Scoring, all you need to do is maintain an excel sheet and enter data of your blog such as keyword, SERP position, conversion rate, engagement, and trust.

Content scoring helps you to find out what type of content works better on your blog.

This will also help you to produce the similar content which your audience find interesting on your blog.

When you offer the content which your audience desperately needs on your blog, you can quickly boost social shares, engagement, conversion, and build trust.

2)    Eagle Eye Concept:

Eagle Eye Concept has developed by Easkme team. This concept has helped to do in-depth research and gather the data. Data sourced by Eagle eye concept enables you to create an original article.

Eagle eye concept talks about 40/20/40 rule. Where other rules about writing and promoting, Eagle eye concept gives the utmost importance to research.

The success of your blogging business not only depends upon how well you write but it majorly depends upon how useful your data is.

When you are spending 40% time on research, then you will find a whole lot of data related to the topic you want to write.

The next thing is to filter the data to avoid using meaningless resources in the article.

Now, as you have only the valuable data with you, you can easily use this to create highly compelling content.

By following eagle eye concept, your promotions become more active. You will promote the content which is already engaging and provide a real-time solution to the visitor.

Visitors find such content fascinating. This will boost engagement, social shares, comments and even useful to build trust.

3)    Avoid Outdated SEO Practices:

Avoiding outdated SEO practices is one of the most important things to do.

You cannot boost the blogging performance of your blog if you keep making the same mistakes.

Search engines have grown, and now they can quickly identify if you can try to trick them.

Search engines only want to rank content which is user-friendly.

It is necessary that you should avoid all old outdated SEO tactics such as keyword abuse, writing for search engine bots, submission directories, article spinning, over optimization, thin content, etc.

Only focus on creating fresh content which is valuable for the readers.

4)    Pillar Articles:

Neil Patel and Brain Dean are following this strategy for a long time.

Pillar article doesn’t mean that you populate your blog with words, but it is about adding maximum value to the article.

You may think that a newbie cannot spend so much time on creating pillar articles then you are wrong.

NeoBlogging is the perfect example of a blog which is new yet filled with posts which cover everything about the one topic.

Some people also call this strategy the skyscraper technique.

Write everything about the topic to make each article an ebook which contains everything about the subject.

5)    Learn How to Use Tools:

The Internet has filled with thousands of tools available for Bloggers and marketers.

There are hundreds of internet marketing tools that you should use to source valuable data, do research, create engaging infographics, creative visuals, etc. to create content. You should use tools like Ubersuggest, Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Moz link explorer, Buzzsumo, etc.

Use content theft tools to find out if your content is safe from plagiarism.

Use social sharing tools automate the social sharing process. This will not only save you a lot of time but also keep sharing the oldest posts.

Using these tools will help you to save a lot of time and manage your blogging business effectively.

6)    Offer something that no one can refuse:

This is something where most of the bloggers fail.

If you think that just by creating content you can boost email lists or social shares, then you are wrong.

You have to offer something to the visitors that they cannot refuse.

You can offer ebooks, run giveaways, contests, and webinars.

This year, I have spent almost $10,000 in different giveaways. This helped me to earn more than what most people think.

When you want to grow blogging business, do not just focus on making money but focus on investing money.

Final Words:

These are the six most effective, trusted and tested ways to skyrocket your blogging business. Your only goals should be to improve the overall performance of your blog. The more time you spend on following these strategies, the more quickly you can boost your blog.

Comments (1)

  • Hi Gaurav, I’m working on #6 for 2019. Thanks for the tips here. There are so many things one can do to help their blogging business and I would add delegating some of it to freelancers or hire someone too.
    Have a great day!


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