
Knowing How to Play Kabaddi Is Important

Though Kabaddi is a Simple game to understand, here is a concise explanation that will turn any spectator into a fan.

Kabaddi has progressed tremendously from its origins in the mud to its current form on the mat. In its current incarnation, Kabaddi is a simple to enjoy sport that offers wholesome family entertainment.

How to Play Kabaddi

However, several technicalities must understand the sport’s elegance fully. Here are few kabaddi guidelines to help you become more knowledgeable of all the technicalities.

Fundamentals of Gameplay

Kabaddi is one of the many fantasy games in which two teams alternate raiding and defending. The raider must reach the opposing team, steamroll half, hit one or more defenders, and return safely within 30 seconds to complete the attack.

During the attack, the raider must repeatedly chant the word “Kabaddi” or will make him disqualified. He gets one point for each defender he touches, but he must stop for a tackle as well. This is challenging because the raider can be up against ONE to SEVEN defenders.

The defenders have to overcome challenges to prevent the raider’s tap and, failing that, save him from withdrawing to his half. They get one point for a good tackle.

Points for Creativity

When there are at least six opposing defenders on the mat, the Bonus Line is allowed. If the raider crosses this line with one foot while holding the trailing foot in the air and returns to his half without being caught by the defenders, he will get a BONUS POINT.

It’s no exaggeration to say that this is a difficult task. Only the professional and versatile will survive. While the bonus point is critical, it cannot buy back players who have already been eliminated.

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Do or Die

It’s impossible to score even a single point in a raid, but when a raider returns to his half with no issues (before the 30 seconds run out), it’s known as an Empty Raid. The third raid has become a DO OR DIE raid if a team has two empty attacks in a row.

If this, too, yields no points, the raider is dispatched. In the order of elimination, the defending team is given one end, and one of their previously disqualified players is taken back.

Super Raid & Super Tackle

When a raider is blocked by a defensive team of three or fewer men or less than half of the defense, it is called a SUPER TACKLE.

The defensive side gets 2 points for this because it makes the tackle more complicated. However, the extra point would not be used to get back players who have already been eliminated.

When a raider arrives at his half after making contact with three or more defenders, his side receives each defender’s point. It counts as a Super Raid if the raider taps two or more defenders AND scores a Bonus Point.


A squad loses a player when they give up a contact or tackle score. They will get the player back if they score one of the two. This is referred to as a Revival. Any point brings ONE player back to life and allows him to redeem himself.

A raider activates as many revivals as the number of touchpoints he scores in his attack, while the defensive team gets just ONE revival for each good tackle, even though it is a super tackle.

Bonus points cannot be used to resurrect players, and resurrections must occur in the same order as eliminations, with the first player eliminated becoming the first to be restored.


It’sIt’s an ALL OUT when a team steams seven starters are eliminated.

Many factors will lead to a  player’s elimination.

They will step out of bounds, be pushed entirely off the field, struggle to cross the midline after a touch, run out of time (where the raider is already in the opposition half after the 30-second time limit has expired), or be tapped by an opposition raider and then returns to his half.

2 bonus points are awarded to the team who eliminates the opponent. The whole squad is resurrected after an All Out, and the game begins.

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